A new chance for more regions in Europe undergoing industrial transition to receive tailor-made support
Call for Applications for European Regions
Deadline: 19 January 2018
The European Commission is now calling on regions undergoing a period of transition to express their interest in receiving tailor-made support from Europe in order to build robust economies and modernise their industries. On Tuesday, as part of the Action Plan unveiled at the "One Planet" summit in Paris, the Commission had already announced that the Hauts-de-France (FR), Norra Mellansverige (SE), Piedmont (IT), Saxony (DE) and Wallonia (BE) regions had been selected to benefit from this EU support, following a call for applications launched by the Commission in September 2017. In view of the number of applications received, the Commission decided to renew the call, with a similar budget of EUR 2.5 million. This means expertise and support can be provided to five other regions so that they can develop and implement their own economic transformation strategies based on their "smart specialisation” assets. ‘Some regions are paying the price of globalisation without having benefited so far from its advantages,’ commented the Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu. ‘The EU, by way of its Cohesion Policy, is committed to ensuring that all regions can play their part in a globalised economy. This implies that they identify their competitive strengths and learn to capitalise on them and that is precisely how we can help.’ The call is particularly targeted at regions "in transition" and "more developed" regions; so-called "less developed" regions can benefit from other forms of supportfrom the EU. Regions are able to send their applications here until 19 January 2018. The results will be made know in February.
For more information see here