New call for clusters in tourism and creative industries: Supporting the development and promotion of transnational thematic tourism products—exploiting synergies between tourism and cultural and creative industries

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 07 June 2018

This call for proposals ( COS-TOURSYN-2018-3-01) seeks to support projects focusing on existing or new tourism experiences which build on the creative and innovation potential of CCIs to develop services and products.

The Commission wishes to support projects which are innovative in their approach, propose sustainable solutions and are based on the close cooperation with and involvement of tourism and CCIs-related SMEs and professionals.

The general objective of the action is to explore the spill-over effects of culture and creativity on tourism products and services in terms of: 

  • revitalising tourism attractions and destinations, and diversifying transnational tourism experiences
  • prolonging seasonality of EU destinations and/or enhancing sustainability of tourism offers
  • boosting innovation across transnational tourism value chains.

The specific objectives of the action:

  • developing innovative solutions or  management tools for tourism attractions or destinations through cooperation between tourism and CCI SMEs
  • exploring new ways of engaging visitors, with the help of CCIs-related companies or professionals, to revitalise existing tourism products/services and/or create new ones
  • creating solid public-private partnerships in the area of tourism and CCIs and ensuring the exchange of knowledge and experience within the partnerships

Taking the above into account, this call for proposals intends to co-fund projects which put a particular focus on transnational cooperation between tourism and CCIs-related SMEs to develop and promote innovative yet tangible tourism offers. Such tourism offers need to capitalise on the creative potential of CCIs to develop innovative services and products and/or use cultural and creative content to enhance existing or develop new tourism experiences.

Deadline for proposal submission: 19 July 2018

Information event

A general "COSME Info Day: Opportunities to Participate in Calls for Proposals" is being organised on June 11th  2018 at the EASME offices in Brussels. Further information is available online or by contacting EASME-COSME-COMMUNICATIONS [at] (EASME-COSME-COMMUNICATIONS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

For more information about the call please read here.

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