CPB 2022_LinkedIn_2


CBP final Cluster Networking Meeting

Webinar of the MPowerBIO Cluster Capacity Building Programme for European clusters active in the bioeconomy.

About the event:
Building your own capacity to support your SMEs is not everything MPowerBIO is offering. In this session we will introduce you to the SME Business Support Programme (BSP) and showcase, how you can guide your SMEs through this programme supporting them right away in increasing their Investment Readiness Level. And of course meeting new and old peers from the Associated Clusters will be part of the event as well.

During the session we will guide you through the process of engaging, supporting and accompanying your SME members within the BSP. You will receive communication material and support to make promotion of the BSP as comfortable as possible for you. We will again enjoy a guided networking session to exchange experiences with other representatives of the Associated clusters all over Europe.


Dr. Katrin Kriebs, Dr. Tatjana Schwabe-Markovic, CLIB - Cluster Industrial Biotechnology

This event is part of the MPowerBIO Cluster Capacity Building Programme. This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 887501. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium.

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