Mission to Japan: visit to Fukushima, the Basque Country's strategic partner in the development of renewable energies
The Basque Energy Cluster in collaboration with EVE and joined by the companies HWS and SAITEC OFFSHORE, took part in a mission to the Fukushima prefecture to promote mutual knowledge and strengthen ties for the development of business and technological collaborations between both regions.
The visit took place on 4 and 5 July and was directly coordinated by Energy Agency Fukushima, a collaborating partner of the Basque Energy Cluster. A seminar was held during the morning of 4 July in which the Basque Energy Cluster, joined by EVE (represented by its General Manager Iñigo Ansola) and the companies HWS and SAITEC OFFSHORE, presented the potential of the Basque fabric in areas of interest for Fukushima such as wind power, solar photovoltaic energy and smart grids. Almost 50 representatives of Japanese entities took part in the seminar. During the afternoon, the Basque delegation had the opportunity to visit two leading companies in the prefecture: MURATA, a lithium-ion battery manufacturer, and KITASHIBA ELECTRIC, an electrical equipment manufacturer.
The activities for 5 July were of a more institutional nature, and included meetings in the morning with Mr. Kanari, Director General of Trade, Industry and Employment, and Mr. Ide, the Deputy Governor. In the afternoon, the delegation visited the main renewable energy technological centre in Japan, FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute). It belongs to the national network of AIST centres (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology). The centre has a team of researchers that specialise in wind power, solar energy, electrical equipment and hydrogen technologies, among other areas.
This visit was another step forward in the collaboration between the two regions, following the signing of the collaboration agreement on 30 May in Bilbao. In addition, it positioned Fukushima as an excellent entry point for companies from the Basque energy sector interested in tackling the Japanese market.