Join us for an online Matchmaking event on November 17th!
The event will bring all the US and Canada participants together! This will be held on the b2match platform and will include two plenary sessions, as well as many slots for B2B meetings, starting from 9am till 20pm! (This will allow to take into account the time difference between EU and the US and Canada, and give you more common slots for matchmaking).
This is a great occasion to:
Meet all the other INTonomous participant companies ! Indeed, in the surveys of each acceleration program, you had the occasion to point out the other participants of the INTonomous project that you’d like to meet, in order to further exchange on some specific topics
Meet the cluster organisations partners of the INTonomous project ! In the same surveys, you also mentioned which cluster organisations you’d like to meet. bwcon, Torino Wireless, Zone Cluster, Autoklastr, Media Evolution and NextMove: representatives from all these clusters will be available to meet you and discuss on potential services and projects that might interest you
Meet European companies, academic entities and any category of interested participants, in link with the sector of the autonomous and connected mobility who will join the event, to meet you. All participating acceleration companies’ profiles is presented here on the website, so that external entities will have the occasion to have a little insight about the companies in the mission. On the b2match platform, companies will also have the opportunity to give a detailed description of your activities, your competences and what you’re looking for. Remember: the more precise information you’ll give, the more coherent and interesting your meetings will be! :)
Meet US and Canadian companies and stakeholders in link with the autonomous and connected mobility who will join the event to exchange with you
Here you will have access to the b2match platform where you’ll find the Agenda of the day, as well as a useful tab “How it works” explaining the platform and how you can ask or accept B2B meetings, and right at the top of the page you’ll be able to check the Participants at the event. We suggest you to check the participants list also after your registration, so that you’ll always have an eye on the new participants and you’ll be able to ask for new B2Bs.
And don’t hesitate to share the event among your networks to invite interesting contacts!
Welcome to join in!