Lunch break webinars on innovation, transition and social economy
Webinar invitations to the cluster community!
During May, the Eurocluster SOCIALTECH4EU organises three lunch break webinars that are open to clusters interested in the social economy and entrepreneurship. Register now to join the events.
1. How to boost innovation within Euroclusters?
13/05/2024, 12:30pm-1pm
During this webinar, the consortium partner Silicon Vilstal will present the Social Impact Hackathon. A cross-innovation event based on the „Design Thinking“ method, that aimed at fostering synergies among selected entrepreneurs from SocialTech4EU, designers and creatives, to co-create innovation project ideas. We will share lessons learnt from this experience and explore innovative ways to boost innovation within Euroclusters.
2. How to document the transition?
20/05/2024, 12:30pm-1pm
During this webinar, the consortium partner Coompanion will present the Tool Library for Social Entrepreneurs. The library of the SocialTech4EU gathers materials on social business management and tech innovation. By providing an overview on the tool and its content, we will question the needs and challenges about accessibility of knowledge for the actors of the transitions and the role of Euroclusters about it.
3. How to measure our ecosystems?
27/05/2024, 12:30pm-1pm
During this webinar, our consortium partner ADV Romania will present the results of our survey and studies about social entrepreneurship in Europe. This webinar will be the first occasion to share learnings and insights from these studies. This will also be an occasion to reflect on the needs and challenges of mapping and measuring our ecosystems.