Launches of POLREC Innovation open call
The first POLREC open call is now open!
This Innovation open call aims to support SMEs by funding their polymer recycling projects. It is divided into three sub-topic that will support:
- Testing of solutions for the chemical recycling of polymer waste (plastics, rubber, composites), with a maximum budget of €30,000 per SME.
- Testing solutions for the mechanical recycling of polymer waste (plastics, rubber, composites), with a maximum budget of €30,000 per SME.
- Digitisation of polymer waste recycling processes to ensure traceability and control, with a maximum budget of €20,000 per SME.
The successful SMEs will be awarded a budget based on the quote from their service provider. This budget will be used exclusively to pay for the services provided as part of the project carried out by the SME.
European SMEs can apply until 31 October 12:00 CET by submitting their application on the Cluster Submission Platform. Applicants must log in or create an account to access the application form for the POLREC open call.
The POLREC project partners have published a Guide for Applicant on POLREC Innovation Open Call to guide applicants through the application procedure that can be found on the Cluster Submission Platform.
POLREC partners can help SMEs choosing their service provider. Some partners have identified a list of service-providers in chemical and mechanical recycling that applicant can further contact to work on their project in the frame of the POLREC Innovation Open Call. Please find below the link to the list of suggested service-providers:
MAV Cluster : Contact person: Ona Bombí Aymerich clusterdematerials [at] (clusterdematerials[at]outlook[dot]es)
Polymeris : Contact person: Roxane Girard europe [at] (europe[at]polymeris[dot]fr)
For any demand to the other POLREC Partners, please find below the contact person:
CENTIFME : Tania Mendes tania.mendes [at] (tania[dot]mendes[at]centimfe[dot]com)
Plast Center Danmark : Dorte Walzl Bælum dwb [at] (dwb[at]plastcenter[dot]dk)
Wirtschaftsförderung Raum Heilbronn GmbH : Daniela Adelhelm adelhelm [at] (adelhelm[at]wfgheilbronn[dot]de)