Launch of the CCIN® – Cosmetics Clusters International Network

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 22 October 2016

One strategic choice of Cosmetic Valley consists of unifying energies, expertise and ambitions in a win-win perspectives.
Set up on its initiative, the brand new Cosmetics Clusters International Network – CCIN® has been launched by 18 founding members*, during the WICCS event.
Cosmetic Valley entrusted the CCIN implementation to France Clusters, the French clusters network.

CCIN mission

Provide the CCIN members with animation, sharing and cooperation tools for fostering their development from both international (reach new markets) and national perspectives (strengthen cosmetics SMES network).

CCIN objectives

Set up the basis for international cooperation Foster innovation

Boost sustainable growth in the cosmetic sector at an international scale

Act as a think tank with concrete international actions

Create an interactive network of exchange of experiences and information

Find alternative sources of financing

Set up an export support for SMEs

If you wish to take part of the CCIN, feel free to contact us!elise.durey [at] ( Elise DUREY) / +33

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