Latvian startup Fermentful fermented plant-based drink producer explores Sweden as a potential export market

Submitted by Armands Lejas-Krumins on 22 August 2023


In collaboration with European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Project AgrifoodX5.0 through European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) Latvian fermented plant-based drink producer, a startup Fermentful CEO and co-founder Anda Penka visited exhibition and food-tech conference BigMeet in Sweden Foodtech from May 31st to 3rd of June, 2023 to present Fermentful product and share experience. Anda Penka had an opportunity to be one of the speakers at the event and share company story and discuss food topics with wider public. Fermentful is Latvia based food-tech company that is producing fermented plant-based drinks from locally sourced green buckwheat. Using only organically certified ingredients and scientifically validated strains Fermentful achieves clean-label probiotic drinks that are available in the market in 4 exciting flavors: unflavoured, sea buckthorn, apple-lingonberry, dark chocolate. Fermentful is a nutritious, delicious and convenient way to take care of gut health on a daily basis.

During the trip, Anda Penka met Hempster Sweden, hemp milk producer from Sweden to exchange experience between companies on production, export and product development topics. Meeting host company representative Aline Santa Izabel of YOGUT ME , first automatic yogurt machine company in the world which is enabled to make its own personalized yogurt at home, full of gut-friendly bacteria and functional ingredients, and free from preservatives or additives. Anda Penka and Aline Santa Izabel exchanged experience on product R&D, commercialisation strategies in Sweden and production challenges, as well as potential collaboration in the future. During 4 days of agenda, Anda Penka managed to gain a lot of information, new contacts that will be valuable in the company's development in the future.
Cluster Exchange program supports institutions from different industries in exchanging experience within Europe. If you are interested in participating in ClusterExchange program via AgrifoodX5.0 project and get financial support for this activity, please contact AgrifoodX5.0 representative Anna Rozenfelde,

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