Join the FECP and FCAN Discussion Challenge

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 18 August 2021

On the 10 August 2021, the ECCP team launched the Discussion Challenge for the Forum of European Cluster Partnership (FECP) and the Forum of Cluster Associations and Networks (FCAN).

The discussion challenges visualised dialogue between clusters using the custom-made Padlet, with the topic of Horizon Europe.

The Padlet platform is an example of co-creation good-practice and shows the added value of knowledge transfer, specifically in relation to the previous FECP webinar on the topic of a design thinking approach. Therefore, it is crucial that clusters are able to discuss and give their input through this Discussion Challenge’

The clusters of FECP and FCAN were given a broader timeframe to complete and discuss Horizon Europe by focussing on:

  • Doubts about strategic partnership development, the Horizon Europe call, technical issues and impacts
  • Expertise requests for new project proposals
  • Platforms to promote and suggest new partner identification, especially for clusters out with Europe
  • Cluster mapping beyond Europe
  • Any other comments or questions

The links for Padlet are available here:

The Discussion Challenge is co-moderated by ECCP and clusters can fill in and discuss online until 10 September.

As the platform is very flexible, any cluster profiled on ECCP is welcome to comment and discuss relevant issues with their peers.

We aspire to make cluster collaboration happen – join us on Padlet! Please make sure you visit the correct link above.

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