Created in 1995 by La Rochelle’s Agri-food CRITT (innovation and technology transfer centre), Health & Food Days have since met with international success. The event (in French called “JAS”– Journées Aliments & Santé) has become a benchmark for those in the food industry and is the most important European business convention in its field. The 14th edition will take place this year on 15 & 16 June.
We propose you and your members to register for free to the digital version of this event :
Just follow the link
This will open to you:
- B2B meetings by videoconference during the two days of the event
- Access to 2 digital workshops from 12:30 to 13:30 (we’ll send the videoconference link to the registered people)
- June 15th : Big data, source of innovation in nutrition ?
- Dr. Nard CLABBERS, Chief Science Office, HAPP Company, member of FOOD VALLEY NL Cluster
- June 16th : Food and Immunity, what did you expect ?
- Constance CLARISSE, THT Company (Puratos Group), member of WAGRALIM Cluster
- Yuliya BORRE, Nutrileads Company, member of FOOD VALLEY NL Cluster.
- June 15th : Big data, source of innovation in nutrition ?
Join us in our two video conferences and take advantage of a great opportunity by participating in the "Health and Food Days".
About Critt Agro-Alimentaire
The CRITT has been helping agri-food companies to develop their innovation projects for over 30 years in different fields such as:
- R&D, product/process innovation
- Food quality and safety
- Nutrition-Health
- Regulatory and technological watch and product innovation
- Organisation, industrial performance, processes and technologies
- Digital transition and factory of the future
- Packaging and wrapping
- Environment and eco-design
- Project financing
- Aquatic sector
- Beverage sector
The Critt Agro-Alimentaire assists in the design of an action plan (definition, objectives, inventory, information searches, etc.) by intervening on sites within the framework of projects and/or problems by making their fields of expertise available.
Contact details: 1 Rue Marie-Aline Dusseau ZA Technocéan, 17000 La Rochelle
About Health & Food Days
The Health & Food Days brings together professionals who wish to integrate nutrition and health into their innovations. The main missions of the JAS are to support companies in their development, to encourage exchanges and partnerships between companies, to inform on current issues concerning health nutrition and finally to fuel a reflection and to associate complementary expertise in order to make a success of your future launches. It is therefore a opportunity to meet, in a privileged setting, the actors of the entire food and health sector who are essential to the development of your company and your projects.
Indeed, the Health & Food Days is an event on a human scale, favouring quality, tailor-made business exchanges between experts, suppliers and distributors. In short, it is an opportunity for companies to shine on a national and international level, but also to detect medium and long-term innovation trends.
Be the actor of your Days!
More information on the programme is available at
To attend the event on site, book your tickets on
Location : Espace ENCAN, Quai Louis Prunier - 17 033 La Rochelle
La Rochelle TGV station at 600m.