Interreg Europe programme open for public consultation
Interreg Europe helps regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy.
It creates opportunities for sharing solutions and policy learning while aiming to make sure that government investment, innovation and implementation efforts all lead to integrated and sustainable impacts for people.
The EU’s emphasis is on paving the way for regions to realise their full potential – by helping them to capitalise on their innate strengths while tapping into opportunities that offer possibilities for economic, social and environmental progress.
To achieve this goal, Interreg Europe offers opportunities for regional and local public authorities across Europe to share ideas and experiences on public policy in practice, improving strategies for their citizens and communities.
The draft version of the Interreg Europe cooperation programme for 2021–2027 is now ready for public consultation.
It is the result of more than 16 months of discussions and consultations among the 29 partner states (27 EU Member States plus Norway and Switzerland). The document presents the overall strategy and main features of the future programme.
Comments will help to shape the final version of the future programme to be approved by partner states and the European Commission.
All interested stakeholders are invited to take part in the public consultation on this draft version.
The public consultation survey is open until 16 April.