International partnership mission concerning technical textiles in Japan
The Japanese textile market is experiencing a very favourable economic climate with sales of €17.5 billion in 2017. The industry is driven by strong growth (+6.5% in 2017) supported by industrial companies strongly committed to innovative technology.
In a context of fierce competition from China, Japan has become a specialist in high value-added fibre (carbon, polyacrylate and para-aramid) and has very promising sectors such as aeronautics and sport.
In this context, Techtera, together with Business France, Up-tex and the support of the government department for enterprises, invites you to join an international partnership mission from December 10 to 14, 2018 in Tokyo and Nagoya.
If you are part of the French delegation, you will benefit from joint and personal meetings with major Japanese decision-makers.
This mission is the opportunity to get to know the textile and soft materials ecosystems in Japan, to meet those involved in innovation and forge technological and industrial partnerships.
Contact: Julie RAFTON-JOLIVET - jrafton [at] (jrafton[at]techtera[dot]org)