‘International cooperation and regional clusters: innovation in water efficiency’
Following the success of the WE@EU project which comes to a close in June 2016, the project partners invite you to join in celebrating the achievements of the project at their final event ‘International cooperation and regional clusters: innovation in water efficiency’ on Wednesday 18th May 2016 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
The event will see representatives from each of the regions present the main results of the 3 year project, through a ‘Cluster Showcase’, ‘Panel Discussion’ and ‘Open Forum’ sessions with a focus on boosting dialogue and collaborative activities both within Europe and internationally to support project continuation.
You must register if you are interested in how regional clusters contribute to regional innovation; transregional and international collaboration for innovation and discuss further opportunities for future projects to enhance water management innovative solutions based on the learning from the successes of WE@EU.
More information in the attachment and Registrations: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/international-cooperation-and-regional-clusters-innovation-in-water-efficiency-tickets-21055576797
Water Efficiency in European Urban Areas - WE@EU project partners aimed at developing an open European platform for EU excellence in water efficiency in urban water management. This European platform would enable the participating clusters and regions to bring together knowledge and innovation potential by collaborating and mutually learning in a trans-national basis, and thus generating an innovation friendly ecosystem where academia and business will work together, in coordination with regional authorities and other stakeholders, transforming knowledge into innovative products, services and skills in the water efficiency sector.
The eco-innovative approach of WE@EU not only enables to boost innovation as a measure to increase competitiveness, generate new skills and reduce pressures on the environment, but also contributes to the implementation of “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe”.
The achievement of the WE@EU’s overall goal are driven by a number of specific objectives:
- Fostering high-level trans-national cooperation and integration between research-driven clusters as well as mutual learning between regional actors.
- Improving links and integration between regional authorities, legal entities conducting research and the regional business community.
- Developing and implementing joint action plans at the European level to increase regional economic competitiveness.
- Supporting the internationalization of the regional research-driven clusters.
- Disseminating knowledge and raising public awareness.
- Mentoring regions with a less developed research profile.
More information on the project is available at: http://www.weateu.eu/