Interesting H2020 call for bio-based economy clusters. Deadline: 7 September 2017
Identify opportunities for ICT to increase the efficiency of biomass supply chains for the bio-based industry
Topic identifier: | BBI.2017.S2 |
Publication date: | 11 April 2017 |
Types of action: | BBI-CSA Bio-based Industries Coordination and Support action |
DeadlineModel: Opening date: |
single-stage 11 April 2017 |
The specific challenge for the call is to identify opportunities for the introduction of ICT to increase the efficiency and sustainability of biomass supply chains for the bio-based industry.
Proposals should:
- cover several supply chains handling different kinds of biomass coming from multiple sources and include a description of the (combined) feedstock and its potential for sustainable value chains.
- assess the efficiency and sustainability improvements of logistical supply chains by applying the proposed ICT solutions, including also biomass resource modelling.
- address the assembly and financing of new and technically improved equipment possibly required to collect and store feedstock for the bio-based industry, in the short time window after harvesting.
The industry should actively participate to help prove the benefits of the project results to the full bio-based sector.
Indicative funding: It is considered that proposals requesting a contribution of maximally EUR 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately.
Expected Impact:
contribute to KPI 1: create at least 2 new cross-sector interconnections in bio-based economy clusters;
reduced biomass losses and costs associated with feedstock supply logistics compared with similar existing benchmark supply chains;
improved direct involvement and commitment of biomass suppliers and technology providers, and the resulting introduction of ICT in the biomass feedstock supply chain for the bio-based industry.
Cross-cutting Priorities:
Cross-cutting Key-Enabling Technologies (KETs)
Socio-economic science and humanities
Please find more details on the call, topic conditions and documents, guidance on proposal submission, here.