Interested in participating in a H2020 and/or COSME project?

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 25 October 2017

Then the ERRIN Project Development Week is your chance!

ERRIN, the European Research and Innovation Network, is organising an entire week of Horizon 2020 project development workshops from 20th to 24th November at multiple venues in Brussels.

The event will bring together 400 participants to discuss about 60 project ideas in 8 sessions.

Each session will focus on the calls of the 2018-2020 Work Programs and will follow a societal challenge approach. The major topics that will be covered are health, energy, ICT, smart cities, water, transport, opening science, blue innovative growth, health, innovation and investment and will integrate also the social sciences and humanities (SSH) dimension.

Please note that applications addressing COSME calls are also welcome.

Why to attend?

  • Expand your network, set up consortia, and build new partnerships;
  • Obtain detailed information on the Horizon 2020 2018-2020 Work Programs;
  • Learn tips and tricks on how to write a proposal;
  • Get sound expert advices on concrete project ideas from former evaluator and National Contact Points;
  • Increase the chances to submit a successful proposal and be funded.

Willing to join?

The event is free of charge and open to everyone but participation is upon selection.

Have a look at the deadlines, consider the type of involvement, register on the website, let us how you can contribute to the sessions and make sure you do not miss this opportunity to take part in the event!  

For registration and more details see here.

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