Horizon Impact Award

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 22 March 2019

Deadline: 28 May, 2019 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call ID: H2020-HIA-Prize-2019

Aiming at championing the uptake and use of EU funded project results, thus boosting their potential to achieve economic societal, and/or policy impacts, the Commission awards on an annual basis a recognition prize for rewarding beneficiaries that have successfully demonstrated effective exploitation and uptake of their projects' R&I results. 

Five winners will be selected by the evaluation jury for their achievements. The prizes are monetary and each of the five winners will receive EUR 10.000. The prizes will be awarded during the Award Ceremony with a selected audience of high-level representatives and promoters of innovation in industry and public sector.

The specific rules of the contest will be published in 2019 by the European Commission on the Participant Portal but also actively publicised elsewhere to maximise participation. 

The submission session is available starting 19 March 2019 for: DEE-Prize-2019(RPr). 

The contest is open to all legal entities i.e. natural or legal persons, including international organizations or groups of legal entities from FP7 or Horizon 2020 projects that have ended (referring to the end date of the project as in the Grant Agreement). 

The prize will be awarded, after closure of the contest, to the contestant(s) who in the opinion of the jury best addresses the following cumulative criteria:

1. Proven linkage between the FP-funded project result(s), uptake of it and creation of societal benefits:

Applicants will need to demonstrate that they have directly exploited the R&I result or have played an active role in the uptake of the result by third parties. The direct and indirect exploitation of R&I results can take many forms among which are: influencing policy change, commercialisation of a service or product, creating a start-up/spin-off, creation of a new standard, etc. The R&I results should benefit/address a well-defined population/target audience.

2. Potential longer-term impact for the society, economy and/or policymaking:

Applicants must demonstrate the contribution of their reuse/uptake of research results in solving a societal challenge and generating economic, societal, and environmental or policy impact. The applicant(s) will be required to submit a letter of support from at least one user or user community, stating the importance of the research work and how it was used to create concrete benefits for the specific user-community. The user should not be an academic organization.

Please find the eligibiity criteria, the indicative time for evaluation and award of prizes, other information and the documents of the call here.  

The call was published on ec.europa.eu website here.

 © European Union, 1995-2019

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