Horizon 2020 Energy - Brokerage Event on Energy Systems and SCC

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 31 July 2018

Are you interested in submitting a proposal for "Energy" in Horizon 2020?    GET INVOLVED in the next H2020 Energy Proposals! 

A Brokerage Event in the field of Energy Systems and Smart Cities & Communities

5 October, 2018, Brussels

The event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from Europe and beyond to foster the creation of consortia for the upcoming Horizon 2020 Energy Calls 2019 in the following main areas:

Smart citizen-centred energy system

Smart Cities and Communities

Furthermore, submissions to other energy related topics are also possible.

Note: Consultants without technical expertise in the energy sector are not the addressed target group of this event.  


  • Present your innovative ideas/technologies and call the attention of cooperation partners!
  • Meet prospective cooperation partners in a SINGLE day - reduce the amount of time and money for finding new partners
  • The event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory! Be aware we have limited seats for B2B Meetings available!

The same day, in the Charlemagne building, the Horizon Energy info day will present the upcoming funding opportunities offered by the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme to projects focusing on smart energy systems and smart cities and communities concepts. 

Please find more details on the event as well as the registration link here.

The Energy Societal Challenge in H2020, the EU R&I funding programme 2014-20, is one of the most important in terms of earmarked budget (€ 5,9 bn) over the next 7 years. This reflects the special attention the European Commission attaches to the shift towards an energy secure, competitive, climate resilient and low-carbon economy. This energy transition is underpinned by the EU 2020 and 2030 energy and climate objectives and is part of the longer term EU strategy for the emissions reduction by 2050 (80-95% compared to 1990 levels). The launch of the European Energy Union package in February 2015 confirmed that energy is a top priority for the European Commission that set the ambitious goal for the EU to become 'the world number one in renewable energies'.

Within the EU energy policy framework and the path traced by the revised European Strategic Energy Technology Plan1 (SET-Plan), activities under H2020 will play a pivotal role in mobilising Europe’s research excellence to generate innovative low-cost and low-carbon energy solutions and to bring them to the market. Besides, H2020 funding is supposed to triggering additional public and private investments in the Member States, building European industrial capacities for developing supply chains that are resilient to the growing global competition, as well as enabling an active participation of citizens. More information on H2020 Energy is available here.

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