High-efficient motors

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Investment cost:
Medium cost
Cost savings:
Annual: € 193 (£ 177)
Investment cost:
€ 1 911 (£ 1 753) per project; scale of project based on motor capacity and operational hours; replacement motors may not be compatible with existing infrastructure; no additional maintenance requirements
Medium cost
Resource savings: Energy:
Annual: reduced motor power consumption; 1 971 kWh or 986 kg CO2 equivalent

A high-efficiency motor (HEM) is an electric motor than performs above mandatory minimum. New materials, better design, and better manufacturing have led to major improvements in motor efficiency overall.

Savings realised by using HEMs can quickly outweigh the purchase and installation costs because these modern motors cost less to run than conventional units. This means the purchase costs can be recuperated during its operational life.

A typical 11 kW IE3 motor working near full load is 1.6 % more efficient than an IE2 equivalent and potentially save around € 100 a year, paying back the additional investment cost within two years. Upgrading from an IE1 to an IE3 motor can save even more.

EAUC-Scotland and Resource Efficient Scotland (RES), Energy Efficiency Technologies Catalogue, http://www.sustainabilityexchange.ac.uk/energy_efficiency_technologies_…

Carbon Trust, How to implement higher efficiency motors, https://www.carbontrust.com/media/174055/ctl155-how-to-iimplement-highe…

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