HempCluB Project promoted 3 days of training organised by PRODUTECH
Author: Maria João Samúdio - PRODUTECH
As a partner of the HempCluB project, PRODUTECH promoted and organized 3 days of training on different areas of the digital industry.
There were 3 days with a very practical and interactive training plan, which took place in Barcelona between January 30th and February 1st, 2024, and which was aimed especially at representatives of cluster organizations and similar business network organizations, expansion support organizations (such as technology centres, research institutes, (digital) innovation hubs, fab labs, creative hubs, resource efficiency service providers, incubators, accelerators) and SMEs that are members of clusters in the countries participating in the COSME programme.
Thus, throughout those days, more than a dozen participants benefited from a training specially focused on the overview of Industry 4.0 technology transfer and innovation and in technologies such as Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing, Robotics and Automation, Sensing and IoT connectivity, Artificial Intelligence and Photonics and Vision.
This initiative was hugely successful, and was provided by the LEITAT Technological Centre in their laboratories at DFactory Barcelona. The LEITAT was founded in 1906 as a private non-profit organization with the objective of improving the competitiveness of companies and entities, providing knowledge and differential technology for the transition to a digital, sustainable and competitive industry. Operating under open innovation models, LEITAT offers disruptive solutions to the technological needs required by companies and entities, with a clear focus on value creation and a sustainable future.
It was one more stage of the HempCluB project, funded by the COSME Program, which brings together 7 clusters and associations operating in the bioeconomy, advanced manufacturing and hemp production sectors to create interconnected and inter-regional supply chains between operators in primary production, agri-food processing and green chemistry in the hemp sector.
This project is of great importance as a European Strategic Partnership for Clusters, promoting collaboration, synchronized strategies, and encouraging innovative interregional investments to improve cluster excellence.
Specifically, the HempCluB project implements the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, which aims to support short-term exchanges between two different COSME countries to better connect Europe's industrial ecosystems. It facilitates transnational cooperation, peer-to-peer learning, networking, and uptake of innovation among actors from different industrial clusters.
Follow the next phases of the project by checking out our website at the following link: https://hempclubproject.com/clusterxchange/
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Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/HempClubEU
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hempclub/