Have your say on future objectives for EU-funded research and innovation
The European Commission is preparing the implementation of Horizon Europe, the next and most ambitious EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027) with a proposed budget of €100 billion, in an intensive co-design process. As part of the process, the Commission has launched an online consultation to collect input from across Europe and beyond, input that will inform the work to prepare a ‘Strategic Plan’ for Horizon Europe, which will then guide the work programmes and calls for proposals for Horizon Europe’s first four years (2021-2024).
The Commission invites anyone with an interest in future EU research and innovation priorities, anywhere in the world, to participate in the consultation, which will close on 8 September 2019.
A key event in this co-design process will be the European Research and Innovation Days in Brussels from 24 to 26 September 2019, the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape.
The participants will have the opportunity to debate and shape the targeted impact and strategic priorities of Horizon Europe in the Policy Conference bringing together high-level policy-makers, leaders from industry, finance, academia and the entrepreneurial community, and also to make use of The Innovative Europe Hub as a unique meeting and matchmaking space. It will includes a free exhibition to showcase and celebrate the very best EU research and innovation has to offer.
The news was published on 28/06/2019 on ec.europa.eu website. © European Union, 1995-2019