Have your say on future inter-regional innovation investment across Europe
Cluster organisations and SMEs are among those being urged to take part in a public consultation on future inter-regional investment in innovation across the European Union (EU).
Between 2021-2027 the EU will seek to reinforce interregional cooperation for innovation, as outlined in the European Commission (EC) communication 'Strengthening Innovation in Europe’s regions'.
In this context, the Commission proposed a new Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) initiative aimed at helping actors involved in smart specialisation strategies (S3) to cluster together, scale up and bring innovation to the European market.
The new I3 Instrument should be implemented under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with an indicative EU budget of €500 million. The ambition is to mobilise public private investment, leveraging the impact of the available budget.
The Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) consultation process iaims to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to express their views on the I3 initiative.
This consultation is open to all citizens and stakeholders of the EU interested in innovation driven growth, particularly those from regional innovation ecosystems including businesses of all sizes and in all sectors and business support organisations such as cluster organisations.
Find out more and access the questionnaire here.