

Medical diagnostics and testing are big topics during the pandemic. Join us and experts of leading China and Europe healthcare clusters to get first-hand insights about the Greater Bay Area’s medical diagnostics’ industry.

DATE: 25th of November 2021
TIME: 09:00 – 10:30 (CET) / 16:00-17:30 (CST)
ZOOM REGISTRATION LINKhttps://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_61dT2_jtS3-WVpq7U5v-Bw


Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd. – leading global player in rapid diagnostics and healthcare-affiliated services with 20 overseas offices and customers from 140+ countries.
Guangzhou International Bio Island (GIBI) – China’s leading bio-industry base located in the Greater Bay Area that houses the largest biotech incubation centre as well as numerous R&D facilities, largest laboratories, med-tech and biotechnology enterprises such as Merck Guangdong Innovation Centre, South China Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, and Guangzhou Sino-Israel Bio-industry Investment Fund.


09:00-09:10 | Opening & Welcome (Daniel Frerichs, Director Europe, Huangpu, GDD)
09:10-09:15 | Welcome address (Healthcare cluster from Europe)
09:15-09:30 | “GBA’s diagnostics and testing ecosystem” (Ray Zhang, Vice-President, Guangzhou International Bio-Island)
09:30-09:50 | Success Story from Huangpu – Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd
09:50-10:10 | Joining the Guangzhou International Bio Island Incubator – Fertiga (fertiga.com)
10:10-10:25 |Q&A (moderated by Daniel Frerichs)
10:25-10:30 |Closing Remarks (Daniel Frerichs)


The Greater Bay Area Seminar Series is an established Sino-European exchange platform to discuss future technologies’ topics related to the global future economy region – the Greater Bay Area in South China.

The Seminar Series offers you and your company a unique opportunity to learn the experience and insights from both – those who successfully operate their business in China already today and those who are entering the Chinese market right now. Connect to top experts from China and Europe, enhance your business strategies with industry-focused success stories and case studies, get first-hand industry insights from China’s Greater Bay Area Seminar Series: Medical Diagnostics and Testing leading tech professionals, and discuss the latest Europe-China industry trends in biomedicine and healthcare.


Located at the heart of Greater Bay Area (GBA) Huangpu, Guangzhou Development District is one of the TOP 3 high tech and future economy development zones in China. More than 60,000 companies (~20,000 foreign invested companies), including 200 Fortune 500 companies successfully operate in Huangpu – generating a total tax revenue of more than USD 20 Billion.
Huangpu’s attractive future technologies’ environment is rooted into the district’s strong industrial infrastructure (incl. the world’s 5th biggest port) and innovation backbone (incl. two Chinese Academies of Science). The healthcare cluster in Huangpu alone comprises more than 1,000 research and manufacturing companies and recorded an industrial output of more than USD 60 billion in 2019.
Global biomedicine players such as Lonza, Bayer, Zeiss, AstraZeneca, Cyntia, Beigene, Innocare or Akeso, as well as leading SMEs such as IKA, Artoss or Richardson Biotech have successfully settled down in the District and are contributing to the development of a special mix of production, research, and innovation infrastructure in Huangpu’s Healthcare Cluster.

Europe: Fidan Huseynli, fidan.huseynli@huangpu-europe.com (+49 176 4585 5595)
China: Claire Tang, claire.tang@huangpu-europe.com (+86 136 4023 5164)


Cluster organisation
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