Globalstars Brazil: Call for Projects
Deadline: 31 October, 2018
Within the GlobalStars initiative of EUREKA, a new call for projects with Brazil is open for submissions.
The EUREKA participating countries are:
- Austria
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- The Netherlands
- Spain
- Switzerland
Participants from Brazil and the respective EUREKA member countries are invited to submit joint project proposals in any field of industrial and technological research.
Organizations named here will provide public funding for positively evaluated projects.
Funding will be provided only to projects approved by all participating countries.
Each country will fund its participants according to its national procedures and funding rules laws, rules and regulations
This call invites projects in ALL thematic areas, reflecting the bottom-up approach of the EUREKA Network projects.
You may find the application form here. More details on the call, eligibility criteria, fundable items, regional contact person, are also available here.