The GALACTICA project aims at fostering collaboration and innovative cross-sectoral projects between the textile, aerospace and advanced manufacturing sectors, focusing on SMEs. GALACTICA has so far organised several activities (Hackathon, matchmaking, webinars, Learning expedition, workshops, Open call for proposals) and will keep its activities running throughout 2022.
We would like to create links with other relevant initiatives and organisations (such as clusters, Innosup projects, S3 Platforms, and other related initiatives), and identify possible synergies to boost cooperation for SMEs. This is why we would like to invite you to our GALACTICA Peer review and cooperation opportunities workshop, the 18th of January, from 11:00 to 12:30.
During this workshop we will introduce the GALACTICA project and then proceed to an interactive session sharing cross-fertilization topics, upcoming events and opportunities and discuss further step we can take to develop a sustainable network, fruitful for all participants.
To join the workshop, please register here: