Future Week Denmark
Danish clusters and innovation networks have dedicated one week to future solutions and to showing the way to the future innovative Denmark: Future Week Denmark.
Future Week Denmark is one of the kick off events of the EU Cluster Weeks initiative and takes place starting with the last week of November. During this period, the Danish clusters and networks will host different cross disciplinary events all over Denmark.
The diversity of the events reflects that clusters and networks cover most of the Danish business environment, both technologically and business wise.
Energy efficiency, cryptocurrency, Driven healthtech hospital 4.0 - the IOT challenge, Smart Cities, Machine learning/ Artificial intelligence, Growing Games are just some of the events during Future Week Denmark such as:
- 27th of November, Capital Region
Bioagora - Denmark's life science matchmaking
by BioPeople - 29th of November 2018, Aarhus
Food & Millennials
By Danish Food Cluster - 27th of November, Region Sjælland
Solutions for Leading Edge Protection
By: Offshoreenergy.dk og DTU Wind Energy
View the list of all the events
Get an overview of the Danish clusters and innovative networks
If you want to know more about Future Week Denmark or clusters in Denmark, please contact Kaspar Nielsen, Chief Project Manager, Cluster Excellence Denmark at kan [at] clusterexcellencedenmark.dk (kan[at]clusterexcellencedenmark[dot]dk)