French metal factory sets up dedicated recycling chains

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General Waste
Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture and repair of metal products, machinery and equipment Automotive manufacturing
Investment cost:
Low cost
Payback time:
The exact payback time was two months
Low cost
Co2 emission reduction:
10 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Sorting out a waste problem

  • Company recovers 54 % of its waste through dedicated recycling chains
  • Saves € 3 500 per year and contributes to the environment

Préciforge is a metal-working company employing 140 people in Thiers, France. It specialises in forging, stamping and powder metallurgy, mostly in the manufacture of automotive parts.

On average, the company generated around 52 tonnes of waste annually. To improve its environmental and economic performance, Préciforge knew that it had to reduce waste by exploring ways of sorting and recovering as much as possible. A waste-sorting programme, including training and awareness-raising among staff, has been implemented.

Key results

Sorting points and containers have been placed around the site, including in the workshops, and the staff members are regularly informed of the company's waste-management policy. By setting up dedicated recycling chains for wood, plastic, office waste, paper and waste oils, the company was able to recover ​​54 % of this waste, saving around €3 500 a year. 

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