First EEN Townhall call on Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA)


The European Commission proposed the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), as part of the Green Deal Industrial Plan’s pillar for a predictable and simplified regulatory environment, on 16 March 2023.

The NZIA will help strengthen the European manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies and overcome barriers to scaling up the manufacturing capacity in Europe. The measures in the Regulation will increase the competitiveness of the net-zero technology industrial base and improve the EU’s energy resilience. This proposal shows Europe’s commitment to playing a leading role in the net-zero technology transition and helping to deliver on the Fit-for-55 and REPowerEU objectives.

On 12 June the EEN is holding its first Townhall call on the NZIA at 10:00 – 11:00Daniel Gerber, Policy Officer from DG GROW I3 Unit Green and Circular Economy will analyse in more detail among others:

-         The rationale and scope of NZIA

-         How it facilitates investments in net-zero technology manufacturing projects and makes it easier for project promoters to build up net-zero industrial manufacturing. 

-         How it will enhance skills for net-zero technologies

His presentation will be followed by Q&A with the audience. 

To join the meeting follow the Webex link

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