EXTRA LIGHT #4 Newsletter
Extra Light 4° project Newsletter is out now!
EXTRA LIGHT project aims to strengthen the collaboration of the European lighting industry clusters across borders and to jointly path the way for SMEs in public procurement in the extra-EU third countries. EXTRA LIGHT representing more than 500 lighting SMEs from Italy, France, Spain and Austria, is operating to develop a specific and long-term market-driven joint internationalization strategy for public procurement in the USA, Canada and Japan.
The #4 edition of our newsletter highlights exciting developments within the EXTRA LIGHT project, which is nearing its conclusion. In this edition, we share updates from the latest international mission to New York (USA) and explore intriguing insights on the Extra Light project.
Final Conference on 04.06.2024
Extra Light Consortium would like to invite you to the online seminar “EXTRA LIGHT Final Conference & Broadening Perspectives on Light” on️ 04 June 2024 at 14:30 CEST to find more on the significant milestones and outcomes achieved within the EXTRA LIGHT project, highlights from the international missions held in Tokyo (Japan), Toronto (Canada) and New York (USA), and practical insights and tips for international business ventures and opportunities in the lighting and furniture industry!
Find more information and the registration process HERE