Extensive update of the Cluster Mapping Tool!
European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (EOCIC) has updated the Cluster Mapping Tool, which is a support tool for cluster managers and other beneficiaries such as policy makers. The new version provides users with navigation of hundreds of thousands of data records on industry clusters and their regional economic environments across the EU and neighbouring countries.
The revision has expanded the database, gathering new data from the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and the EOCIC, so that it now allows data comparison across 51 traded cluster categories and 10 emerging industries in Europe. In addition, the database has been extended with data covering industrial change and entrepreneurship.
The tool also measures cluster strength based on three factors: degree of specialisation, size and productivity measured by average wages per employed person, that show the extent to which clusters and emerging industries are present in a region. Users can explore those data through four modules (two modules allow exploration by region and two by sector).
1. The first module – Regional Performance Overview - provides an overview of a selected region’s clusters and regional context data. Users can use filters to search per specified field (year, sector, region, dimension, etc.), once the user has selected the region of interest.
2. The second module – Regional Cluster Portfolio - makes it possible to identify the most productive and the most specialised sectors, or those with the most employment.
3.The third module – Data by Sector - provides an overview of data for a selected sector across all regions.
4. The fourth module – Regional Cluster Strength by Sector - visualises a selected sector’s cluster strength across all regions.
In the top menu bar, you can also find a help tab – providing guidance to the users for navigating the tool; information about the data base and the possibility to export the data.
Finally, there is a direct link to the Regional Ecosystem Scoreboard – which presents information on the framework conditions for industrial change.
Another new feature is the “Export” function. Users can print and download the chart as an image in a number of different formats, or download the data table directly.
Discover the tool and watch the demo video guiding you through all functionalities of the tool: