European Commission public consultations on the State Aid Regulations
The European Commission is currently conducting the two following public consultations:
1. Fitness check on the 2012 State aid modernisation package, railways guidelines and short-term export credit insurance – The consultation is open from 17 April 2019 to 10 July 2019.
The aim of this ‘Fitness check’ is to evaluate whether these State Aid rules are still fit for purpose and establish if they have contributed to achieving the EU 2020 policy objectives. In addition, this consultation seeks your views concerning the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance and EU added-value of these State Aid rules. Participate at the link below:
2. Consultation on a two years prolongation of the State Aid Regulations and Guidelines reformed under the State Aid Modernisation (SAM) package and expiring by the end of 2020 - The consultation is open from 15 April 2019 to 16 May 2019. Participate at the link below: