European Alliance Against Coronavirus webinar on the Romanian Cluster Landscape
On 1 July, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus travelled virtually to Romania to learn about the country’s network of clusters.
The Romanian national cluster association, CLUSTERO, was established 10 years ago and is organised in six regional consortia, Daniel Cosnita from CLUSTERO explained.
They all have individual characteristics. Each consortium and its activities were presented during this session by:
- Carmen Boiciuc, Northeast Cluster Consortium
- Alina Raileanu, Lower Danube Cluster Consortium
- Costin Lianu, Wallachia Hub
- Cornelia Muraru Ionel, Bucharest- Ilfov Cluster Consortium
- Bianca Muntean, Northern Transylvania Cluster Consortium
- Enikő Mátyus, Transylvanian Cluster Consortium
The six consortia support the clusters in increasing the competitiveness of the companies in their regions. The members of the consortia cover different sectors, and smart specialisation strategies play an important role in their daily work. Some of them have also set up a Digital Innovation Hub to accelerate the digital transition.
Furthermore, the speakers presented the main achievements of their consortia in the past years. Romanian clusters are not only very active in their country, but also strong on European level.
The morning sessions are open to everyone.
Sign up to receive invitations here.
Watch the recording here: