The Euro-Mediterranean Business Roadshow Green Solutions in MED
Are you a Company, a Cluster or a R&D Center in the renewable energies? Are you looking for new partners in order to boost your business in South Mediterranean markets?
We invite you to participate in the Euro-Mediterranean Business Roadshow Green Solutions in MED
10-11 July 2017, Cairo, Egypt
A 2 day event with the purpose of facilitating the conditions and improving the access of innovative energy products and services between Egypt and the Euromed countries.
It will be a unique opportunity to meet business & technology players, discuss cooperation proposals, participate in technical workshops and share views with market and sector experts from Egypt, Poland, Czech Republic and Italy.
The programme includes:
Workshop "Doing business with" introducing the cooperation opportunities between the European Union and South Mediterranean countries |
Business meetings at the Chamber of Engineering Industry of the Federation of Egyptian Industries |
Study visit to Zafarana Wind Farm, Egypt's largest wind power plant | |
Visit to the Regional Center for Renewables and Energy Efficiency |
Working languages: English, Arabic (simultaneous translation)
Closing date for registration: 7 July 2017
Register here.
mnowakowska [at] (Maria Nowakowska) - Polish Chamber of Commerce
plipiec [at] (Piotr Lipiec) - Polish Chamber of Commerce
info [at] (Monica Airoldi) - euromedinvest [at] (ANIMA Investment Network )