EUREKA Calls for projects
The EUREKA network, a leading facilitator of innovation, promotes and supports market-oriented international R&D&I project generation. EUREKA projects have a ‘bottom-up’ nature meaning that the project consortium defines the technology to be developed and how the project comes together as a whole. The consortium also agrees upon the intellectual property rights and how the partnership is built; it agrees on the sharing of expertise. The consortium can take many forms, composed of small, medium or large companies; universities or research centres.
The network of national project coordinators (NPC) offers advice and support in each language and within each cultural context. Funding rules, regulations and procedures differ from country to country, so the local NPC should be the first stop before embarking on the project.
Please find below the calls currently open:
Canada and Spain call for projects. Deadline: 1 June, 2020
France – Spain Call for EUREKA joint R&D&I projects. Deadline: 10 June, 2020
Argentina and Spain joint call for projects. Deadline: 18 June, 2020
Globalstars multilateral call for projects with India. Deadline: 30 June, 2020
Multilateral call for projects: Advanced materials. Deadline: 30 June, 2020.
The calls are pubslihed on the website here. © EUREKA Association 2009