€7.5m Clusters Go International call launched
The fourth call for proposals under the European Commission's Clusters Go International programme is now open - with a total of €7.5 million of funding available.
Open exclusively to organisations registered, or having submitted a regisration request, to the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), this action aims to intensify cluster and business network collaboration across borders and between sectors.
It promotes cluster internationalisation where interested consortia develop and implement a joint internationalisation strategy, common goals towards specific third markets and support SME internationalisation towards third countries beyond Europe and will increase the number and strength of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Going International (ESCP-4i) as well as helping European SMEs access new global value chains and take a leading position globally.
The latest call for proposals is divided in two strands and the deadline for applications is 2 December 2020 (17.00 CET).
Strand A will support the establishment of ESCP-4is open to a wide range of European industrial sectors and value chains, while Strand B will have a specific focus on creating up to two ESCP-4is in the Defence and Security sector (dual use technologies).
Projects under Strand A should comprise preparatory and implementation-related actions.
Preparatory actions contribute to establish a cluster partnership with the aim of developing a joint internationalisation strategy with common goals towards specific third markets and a roadmap for implementation facilitating the internationalisation of its SME members.
Implementation-related actions concern the initial implementation and testing of the joint internationalisation strategy proposed by applicant consortia. They shall foster the further development of the partnerships by building cooperation activities with international partners in a minimum of two third countries (i.e. non-COSME participating countries) or world regions and initiating business partnerships for European SMEs in each target market.
Projects under Strand B are expected to build on existing internationalisation strategies and focus on implementation-related actions.
Find out more, including how to apply, here.