EU-LAC: Third Annual Call for Co-financing Events

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 29 October 2019

Deadline: November 15th , 2019, 23:59 (German time).

The European Union - Latin America and Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation) was created in 2010 by the Heads of State and Government of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) member states. Its Members are the Member states of the EU and CELAC as well as the EU itself. The Foundation is a tool of the EU-LAC partnership and its activities feed into the intergovernmental dialogue, in line with the bi-regional Action Plan.

The purpose of the Foundation is:

a. contributing to the strengthening of the bi-regional partnership process between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, involving participation and inputs from civil society and other social actors;

b. promoting mutual knowledge, and improving the mutual visibility of the bi-regional association.

Taking into account the mandate of the Foundation and the priorities of the biregional dialogue between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Foundation opens this public call to co-finance debate and exchange events on global and / or sectoral issues related to the bi-regional association. The funding is notably provided with the support of a grant from the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany. 

The Call will select up to six events to be co-financed. The maximum amount of financing that may be requested is € 7,000 in total, taxes included. 

The eligible events are: seminars, colloquiums, conferences, panels, round tables, in which experts, academics, officials, decision makers, civil society actors and other interested parties from the EU and LAC regions discuss relevant issues for the bi-regional Association, in particular in the following priority areas:

• Higher Education and Knowledge Management; • Science, Technology and Innovation; • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Employment and Competitiveness; • Sustainable Development and Climate Change; • Culture; • Gender and Youth;.

Public entities, academic actors, business cameras and civil society institutions, following the indications contained in the terms of reference for the call, could present the applications. The interaction between actors from both regions will be prioritized.

Please send your inquiries and applications to: call [at] (call[at]eulacfoundation[dot]org) - indicating in the subject: CALL FOR EVENTS 2020

More information and the application documents are available here.

The call was published on website here. © 2018 - EU-LAC Foundation

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