EU-Japan Centre: Newsletter March 2020

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 11 March 2020

The EU-Japan Centre released its March Newsletter issue. The publication offers a collection of news and reports on events and cooperation projects between the EU and Japan. 

In this issue you will find details on the upcoming EPA webinars the Centre’s EPA HELPDESK organises to help EU SMEs take advantage of the agreement, the forthcoming "About Japan" series webinars, as well as current Minerva, Vulcanus open calls and other calls for cluster/SME support missions. 

Reports on the 22nd meeting of the EU-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue that took place in Brussels on 11 December 2019 as well as on the first year of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) are also featured. The newsletter presents the survey launched by the European Commission on the impact of EPA, with deadline 30 April. Other public consultations presented under the News from EU section refer to The White Paper on AI and The European Strategy for Data. In the same section, the INNOWWIDE Call 2 for applications for Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) in international markets is featured (you can also find more details here on the platform). 

You may be interested in further reports on the joint activities organized by European cluster organisations such as the Basque Energy Cluster or BioM in Japan,that you can also find in the March issue of the Newsletter.

Link to the newsletter:

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