EU Clusters are well represented at the European Industry Day 2018

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 05 February 2018

During 4 days (20-23 February 2018), Brussels will be the place putting the European cluster policy and its instruments under spotlight during the Second European Industry Day 2018. Several cluster-related events will be organised:

On 21 February 2018

- The European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK)

This initiative focuses on the competitive use of resources and has as objective to provide information and support to European SMEs, business intermediaries, resource efficiency practitioners and other interested parties such as regional authorities towards the transition to an economy that makes a better use of our Earth's limited resources and minimises the impact of businesses on the environment. The mission of EREK is to become a reference point for companies (particularly SMEs) and resource efficiency intermediaries on the latest state-of-the-art in the domain and thus to raise the awareness for the savings potential that lies in switching to more resource efficient business models.

- Cluster Go International Partnering Event*:

The European Strategic Cluster Partnerships have been launched by the European Commission as effective means of supporting cross-border collaboration for the benefit of SMEs with the ultimate goal of boosting economic growth and competitiveness in Europe.  The Partnering Event is the opportunity for two generations of projects (first one from 2016-2017 and the second one from 2018-2019) to meet and share experiences and valuable knowledge about developing and implementing joint internationaliastion strategies to support SMEs go international towards third countries.

On 22 February 2018

- The European Cluster Matchmaking Event

This event represents a unique opportunity for European clusters to to explore common areas of interest for cooperation and build complementarities in terms of sectoral, value chain and market focus. It offers participants the possibility to find partners, e.g. for joint collaboration for the upcoming European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments (ESCP-S3) and other open calls and exchange on matters of joint interest. Around 140 representatives of European cluster organisations will gether for cross-sectorial meetings.

- The First European Cluster Policy Forum*

The event is organised by the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (#EOCIC) that aims to help Europe's regions and countries in designing better and more evidence-based cluster policies and initiatives. The Observatory supports:

  • Industrial modernisation,
  • Entrepreneurship in emerging industries with growth potential,
  • SMEs' access to clusters and internationalisation activities and
  • More strategic inter-regional collaboration and investments in the implementation of smart specialisation strategies.

On 23 February 2018

- Cluster and partnerships for stronger EU value chains

This is a session dedicated to presentations and discussion between various stakeholders on how to:

  • make better use of clusters for industrial policy,
  • strengthen the EU value chains through clusters
  • connect ecosystems via clusters.

Registration for the event on 23 February is possible until 8 February 2018 here

*Upon invitation only

For more information see the flyer below.

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ClustersatEUIndustryDay_flyer.pdf 493.73 KB
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