For clusters involved in personalised healthcare
Call Deadline: 10 April 2018
ERA PerMed is an ERA-Net Cofund, supported by 31 partners of 22 countries and cofunded by the European Commission. It aims to align national research strategies and funding activities, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in PM, and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries. ERA PerMed is closely linked to the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed), established in November 2016. The Action Plan of ICPerMed builds on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) "Shaping Europe's Vision for Personalised Medicine" developed by PerMed in 2015. ERA PerMed will foster the implementation of the Action Plan by funding transnational research projects in the field of PM.
The overall aim of this call is to fund projects showing clinical feasibility of Personalised Medicine (PM) in complex/multifactorial diseases as well as other diseases (such as monogenic, rare diseases and cancer). Feasibility is intended to mean the demonstration of significant and clinically relevant improvement of current diagnostics and/or therapeutics, based on improved understanding of underlying molecular mechanisms. Furthermore, applicants are expected to combine pre-clinical and/or clinical research with bio-informatics components to enable data quality on one side and the potential applicability for health care providers on the other side.
The call is opened and supported simultaneously by the funding organizations in their respective countries.
The overall objectives of the call are:
- To support translational research projects in the field of Personalised Medicine;
- To encourage and enable interdisciplinarity, in combining pre-clinical and/or clinical research with bio-informatics components;
- To encourage collaboration between academia (research teams from universities, higher education institutions, public research institutions), clinical/public health research (research teams from hospital/ public health, healthcare settings and other healthcare organisations) and private partners e.g. SMEs.
Scope of the Call
Proposals must be interdisciplinary and clearly demonstrate the potential impact in PM as well as the added value of transnational collaboration. Each project proposal MUST tackle both major research areas: The Research Area 1: “Validation, pre-clinical and clinical biomedical research – Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond” and the Research Area 2: “Data analysis, management and protection – Integrating Big Data and ICT Solutions” by addressing at least one module out of each research area:
- Module 1A: Pre-clinical Research and/or Module 1B: Clinical Research from Research Area 1.
- Module 2A: Data and ICT – Enabling Technology and/or Module 2B: Data and ICT – Towards application in health care from Research Area 2.
General (eligibility) conditions for application
Joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants belonging to one of the following categories, if eligible according to relevant national/regional funding organisations regulations for research funding:
- Academia (research teams working in universities, other higher education institutions) or research institutes;
- Clinical/public health sector (research teams working in hospitals/public health and/or other health care settings and health organisations). Participation of medical doctors in the research teams is encouraged;
- (Industry) Private partners, e.g. SMEs .
Whilst applications will be submitted jointly by groups from several countries, individual groups will be funded by the individual ERA PerMed funding organisation respective of the country/region from which applicants have applied. The applications are therefore subject to eligibility criteria and regulations of individual funding organisations. Applicants are strongly advised to contact their national representatives of the participating relevant funding organisation as soon as possible in order to confirm their eligibility (see also “Contact details of participating members”).
Only transnational projects will be funded. Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve at least three partners eligible for funding coming from three different countries whose funding organisations participate to the call (see “Contact details of participating members”). All three legal entities must be independent from each other. The maximum number of partners per project is six though not more than 2 eligible partners from the same country participating in the call will be accepted in one project consortium.
Please find the full Call text, details on eligibility criteria, submission procedure, as well as contact details of participant members here.