ENTRANCE Recent Events

Submitted by Tedora Aibu on 21 December 2023


As we reflect on the milestones achieved in our pursuit of sustainable transportation, ENTRANCE is excited to share a glimpse into the key events that have defined our journey in smart and green mobility this year. In this post, we'll explore a snapshot of our recent involvements, offering insights into the impactful moments that have defined our journey in 2023. 




  • Decarbonizing Road Freight Transport Vehicles Roadmap (October 20): leaders in transportation, logistics, and shipping converge to address the imperative of decarbonization in road freight. Key insights include an update on the previous year's session, highlighting: Vehicles Availability, Policy Developments and Linking Offer and Demand.




For a detailed look into our impactful moments throughout 2023, including highlights, insights, and updates, we invite you to explore our dedicated event pages on our website.

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