The "ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020" has launched the new call for proposals for strategic projects
Deadline: 3 July, 2019
A new call for strategic projects has been launched under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020, a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument – ENI. The programme provides the framework for the implementation of cross-border cooperation activities in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, with the final aim of developing an area of peace, stability, prosperity and good neighbourliness involving EU Mediterranean Countries (EUMC) and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs).
The total EU contribution available for this call is € 68.518.886,09, indicatively distributed amongst the 7 thematic Priorities under the following objectives:
A.1 Business and SMEs development - priorities:
A.1.1: Support innovative start-up and recently established enterprises and
A.1.2: Strengthen and support Euro-Mediterranean networks, clusters, consortia and valuechains in traditional sectors and non-traditional sectors
A.2 Support to education, research, technological development and innovation
priority A.2.1: Support technological transfer and commercialisation of research results
A.3 Promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty
priority A.3.1: Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills
B.4 Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation- priorities
B.4.1: Water management - Support sustainable initiatives targeting innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency
B.4.2: Waste treatment and recycling - Reduce municipal waste generation, promote source-separated collection and its optimal exploitation
B.4.3: Renewable energy and energy efficiency - Support costeffective and innovative energy rehabilitations relevant to building types and climatic zones, with a focus on public buildings
The Programme contribution to the projects may cover up to 90% of the total eligible costs of the project and must remain within a minimum of € 2.5 million and a maximum of € 3.5 million. The remaining percentage has to be covered by partners’ own resources or by public and private sources other than the European Community Budget or the European Development Fund. The total EU contribution to strategic projects must be within a minimum of € 2.5 million and a maximum of € 3.5 million. The planned duration of a project must be between 24 and 30 months
Please find more details on the call, eligible applicants, call documents here.
The call was published on the on the Programme website ( here. ©2018.