"ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020" Call for Proposals

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 08 August 2017

Deadline 9 November 2017 at 1:00 pm (GMT+1)

The ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin” Programme was adopted by the European Commission on 17 December 2015. The Joint Monitoring Committee, a body composed of 14 countries – Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia – was responsible for designing the strategy and implementing modalities of the new Programme.

Over € 209 million have been granted by the European Union to the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme for the period 2014-2020.

According to the Programming document, a fifth of the financial allocation for Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) total budget - € 1 billion - is dedicated to the Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. This makes the Programme the largest one from a financial point of view out of 16 other programmes to be implemented with Partner Countries to the East and South of EU’s external borders.

In the context of this call for proposals and according to the Joint Operational Programme, the Joint Monitoring Committee has decided to open this call to the 4 Thematic Objectives and the 11 Priorities of the Programme, among which:

A.1 Business and SMEs development.


  • A.1.1: Support innovative start-up and recently established enterprises, with a particular focus on young and women entrepreneurs and facilitate the protection of their Intellectual Property Rights and commercialisation where applicable
  • A.1.2: Strengthen and support euro-Mediterranean networks, clusters, consortia and value-chains in traditional sectors (agro-food, tourism, textile/clothing, etc.) and nontraditional sectors (innovative ideas solutions for urban development, eco-housing, sustainable water-related and other clean technologies, renewable energy, creative industries, etc.)
  • A.1.3: Encourage sustainable tourism initiatives and actions aimed at diversifying into new segments and niches

The total EU contribution available for this call for standard projects is € 84.668.413,86,  while for each of  A.1 Thematic Objective priorities € 7.526.081,23 is allocated.

Please find more details on the programme as well as on the call here and also in the attached document.

Proposals shall be submitted only through the online application form

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