Energy efficieny in plastics painting

© Евгений Вершинин, #261137522, 2019, source:


Energy Carbon
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Investment in a new painting line pays off in many ways

  • A plastic parts manufacturer improved their painting process energy efficiency by investing in waste heat recovery
  • The plan is to improve energy efficiency in the entire supply chain

MSK Plast, a part of MSK Group, is a manufacturer of plastic parts located in Finland. In plastics manufacturing, the painting process consumes a great deal of energy, which means there are significant savings to be gained through more efficient approaches.

At MSK Plast, the investment in a new painting line in 2018 has been the most important single activity to improve the conmpany's energy efficiency. Now the waste heat from both the old and new painting line is collected and utilised in the process and in heating the painting premises. The system was delivered by Calefa Oy.

Heat waste is formed in many phases of the painting process. Washing the plastic parts, drying, bottom and surface painting, lacquering and hardening the paint layer in an oven all produce waste heat at 23 to 41 degrees Celsius. The collected waste heat can be used, for instance, in the pre-heating the incoming ventilation air of the painting hall, and in warming the process and washing water coming off the painting lines. The system also includes air humidity reduction, which improves the painting quality and brings additional cost and energy savings.

The company has estimated that the achieved energy savings from waste heat recovery (3 800 MWh) would be enough to heat 410 detached houses for a year. The CO2 emissions of the factory have decreased by 833 tonnes.

MSK Plast has also improved its energy efficiency by using LED lights, and by optimising the use of process machines. The company is even aiming to encourage suppliers to pursue energy efficiency improvements by setting an example. Energy efficiency and emissions abatement in the entire supply chain are also important goals for MSK Plast's customers.

Key benefits

  • Heat recovery has decreased energy consumption by 3 800 MWh which corresponds to 833 tonnes of CO2
  • The system even reduces air humidity, which improves painting quality
  • Concrete results in energy savings have improved employee engagement to find further avenues for improvement 

Remes, M. (2018), MSK Group: Konsernin keihäänkärki näyttää mallia muille, retrieved from Energiatehokkuussopimukset Website

Maalaamo nousi Pohjoismaiden energiatehokkaimpien joukkoon, retrieved from STTinfo Website:

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