ECCP participation in 'The inter-cluster approach: Innovation through knowledge sharing and collaboration' event
The ECCP recently participated, by video link, in an event hosted by the Canadian ECCP registered cluster AeroMontreal entitled “The inter-cluster approach: Innovation through knowledge sharing and collaboration” on Friday, April 7, 2017, Montreal.
The workshop was one of the many events organised as part of the “International Aerospatiale Week”.
The ECCP presentation highlighted how cross border and cross sectoral value chain cluster led collaboration could help SMEs better innovate and develop internationalisation actions. Project examples cited were drawn from the ESCP-4i community and the Neptune INNOSUP initiative.
During the subsequent Q&A sessions the subject regarding the creation of cross sectoral meta clusters was raised and used to illustrate the need for cluster models to adapt to changing business needs.
The international event was attended by 70 cluster representatives and policy makers from 9 different countries: Mexico, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, USA, Philippines, Portugal and Costa Rica.
The attendees included a number of ECCP profiled cluster organisations such as Hamburg Aviation from Germany and Aerospace Valley and SAFE Cluster from France and BioWin from Belgium and Canadian cluster policy makers such as Yves Charette from Montreal Metropolitain Council (see photo).