ECCP News Flash!

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 05 October 2015

ECCP News Flash!

We are pleased to announce that a new consortium, led by inno TSD (France) will be in charge of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform activities on behalf of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and DG Growth of the European Commission.

Dear ECCP users and supporters,

We are pleased to announce that a new consortium, led by inno TSD (France) will be in charge of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform activities on behalf of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and DG Growth of the European Commission.

The contract is for 2 years and will run till October 2017. The new team is composed of inno TSD, Eurotop (Belgium), SPI (Portugal) and Lucia Seel International Consulting (Austria), also with the support of AWEX (Belgium), VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik (Germany) and international cluster expert Jean-Noël Durvy.

The main objective of the new platform is to support cluster internationalisation and to contribute to the excellence of cluster management across Europe. Key activities will include the launch of a totally new cluster hub portal, the organisation of ten C2C/B2B matchmaking missions (internationally outgoing/incoming and European interclustering events ) and supporting policy dialogue aimed at the establishment of new cluster economic cooperation agreements with strategic third countries.

We look forward to working with all the cluster communities both within Europe and internationally and we count on your support and involvement in the forthcoming cluster actions as well as playing an active role in exchanging information on the platform itself.

We expect the new platform and associated services to be operational in January 2016.  Meanwhile, please be patient and we suggest that, where possible, cluster organisations await the implementation of the new platform before modifying their profiles as the format will be changing.

In the meantime the current platform will continue to present relevant cluster matchmaking opportunities and other cluster news. Should you be interested to post news/events/studies relevant for the cluster community, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Thank you for your patience and support

Best regards,

Marc Pattinson and the ECCP  animation team  who can be contacted at

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