EACP: Teaming Up against Covid-19

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 06 April 2020

In the article published on April 2nd on the network's website, the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership informs on the actions taken to ease exchange and cooperation among its members under the current Covid-19 crisis.

"EACP initiated different channels as  #membersupport and #nationalperspectives to easier exchange about these crucial topics within the network. EACP members share information about each other’s region, about the development of the pandemic, about the economical perspective of their regions and about best-practices to supper their members. They use the good relationships between all EACP members throughout Europe to learn about which provisions (production stop, legal regulations, industrial safety measures etc.) every region has taken in order to tackle the pandemic. This information can be helpful to inform members about the status of their supply chain and allows adjusting capacities. Like this, the networks and its members try to help the aviation industry as a whole to survive this particular difficult moment.

As part of a global supply chain, suppliers in Spain or Italy might be directly linked to companies in Austria or Germany. So shutdowns cascade easily from one to the other and harm  productions. Knowing this as soon as possible enables companies to react in an appropriate manner, establishing direct contact with their regional governments and workforce."

You can read the full article published on eacp-aero.eu website here. © Copyright 2012 - 2020 | HAMBURG AVIATION e.V. 

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