We are happy to announce a preliminary agenda of series of thematic workshops “Digital Economy, Internet of things, Cybersecurity – science and practice” that are current trends or of interest to the international business and science community.
Thematic blocks:
I. Opening DEICy 2021 9:00 - 9:30 (CET)
- Katarzyna Śledziewska, Digital Economy Lab - University of Warsaw
- Dominik Jankowski, Enterprise Europe Network - University of Warsaw
- Marek Ostafil, Polish Internet of Things Cluster & Artificial Intelligence - SINOTAIC
II. Workshop “Digital Economy, Internet of things, Cybersecurity – science and practice” part 1 - 12:00 - 14:00 (CET)
Chairman: Joanna Kołodziejska, Tomasz Krawczyk
- Adam Gałach, Galach Consulting Sp. z o.o.: „Puzzle of cybersecurity: do you have all the pieces?”
- Jiří Hloska, SDZ GmbH: “Let a Digital Twin improve your business planning”
- Patryk Jóźwiak, Sagenso: „9 different ways your company data can be stolen”
- Łukasz Prusiel, KS-Industry Solution Sp. Z o.o.: „Digital Manufacturing Solutions - next step in the digitization proces”
- Maciej Brodecki, Sygnis New Technologies: „Automation of product photography and cloud solutions for supporting e-commerce during the pandemic”
- Wojciech Paprota, Walletmor.:"Smart implants - Utopia or inevitable future?"
III. The United States of America Workshop session “Law, Security, Artificial Intelligence in business, FinTech + ML +AI" – science and practise” part 2 - 17:00 - 19:00 (CET)
Chairman: Jacob Mulkewicz, Tomasz Krawczyk
- Randall Boyle, Weber State University: „Internet of Things Security Concerns”
- Matt Christensen, Intermountain Healthcare: „Next Gen Healthcare Cybersecurity”
- Marianne Olsen, PricewaterhouseCoopers: „Implement Digital Trust: Enable the business securely from strategy to execution”
- Spencer Searle, General Motors: "Secure Internet of Things devices"
- Jeff Proudfoot, MIT Sloan: ”Investigating the Interaction of Regulatory Compliance and Cybersecurity”
- Jacob Muklewicz, Business Immigration Attorney: "Professional Work Visa Options
Digital Economy Lab at the University of Warsaw, Polish Cluster IoT and AI - SINOTAIC and Enterprise Europe Network invite you to free training and brokerage events. The meetings are aimed at entrepreneurs interested in solutions, including in the field of:
- cybersecurity and the architecture of IT security mechanisms,
- implementation of the security policy in the organization and supervision over its functioning,
- digital twins and their application in the enterprise,
- manipulation and influence hacking techniques,
- cloud computing in the context of cybersecurity.
22.11.2021 (10:00 - 13:30) Digital simulation of factory and machine tools using Siemens
23.11.2021 (10:00 - 15:00) Cyber in small and medium enterprises - risk, surveillance, security mechanisms
26.11.2021 (9:00 - 9:30) The main challenges for 2022 years cybersecurity: business, IT, HR
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