Digital Academy Survey: Available Trainings for SMEs and citizens
You are invited to participate to the survey about available trainings for SMEs and citizens launched within the European Digital Academy project (EDA) launched in early 2020, funded by the European Commission with the support of the European Parliament. The project is coordinated by the EUN Partnership together with the following partner organisations: DIGITALEUROPE, REAKTOR INNOVATIONS OY, European DIGITAL SME Alliance, and Public Libraries 2030.
The European DIGITAL SME Alliance is the largest network of the small and medium sized ICT enterprises in Europe, representing about 20,000 digital SMEs. The alliance is the joint effort of 30 national and regional SME associations from EU member states and neighbouring countries to put digital SME at the center of the EU agenda.
The core aim of the EDA project is to make basic knowledge about emerging technologies (for example, artificial intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity, blockchain) available and accessible to citizens and SMEs. The core actions of the EDA are to develop an online learning initiative that will serve as a ‘hub’ for learning content and opportunities related to emerging technologies for all.
The main objective of this research work is to build a solid knowledge base on digital skills needs and existing trainings for SMEs and citizens that will benefit the development of online trainings and contribute to project stakeholder network building.
The purpose of the survey is to build upon existing best practices and provide a catalogue of digital skills trainings.
Please offer your feedback in the survey here.