Development of the Mobility, Transport and Automotive ecosystem
On 27 May, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus talked about how the Mobility, Transport, and Automotive ecosystem is recovering from the Covid-19 crisis.
Morgan Guillou from DG GROW, the European Commission, summarised the impact and takeaways from the past year on this key ecosystem in terms of value added and employment in the European Union.
The ecosystem is experiencing an accelerated technological transformation and a shift towards electric mobility. The update of the European Industrial Strategy aims to improve the global competitiveness of the ecosystem and incentivise new collaboration between European industries to reach together the objective of carbon neutrality. The update gives directives as to how to tackle the current challenges of Europe’s reliance on Asia for batteries and semiconductors and addresses the need to regulate automated vehicles, to go circular, to produce and use more clean electricity, and to up and reskill.
Morgan also explained how the Recovery and Resilience Facility and Next Generation EU will be implemented in the mobility and transport ecosystem.
Alberto Cominges from CEAGA added a regional perspective from Galicia, Spain. In 2020, investments in the automotive sector were extremely low. However, these investments are needed to prepare for the future and to address key challenges. CEAGA created the “Business Factory Auto”, a programme to support collaboration between SMEs and large companies.
Based on Next Generation EU, they initiated a new programme called “autoancora”. It seeks to support the technological, digital and ecological transition based on innovation and the development of clean, intelligent and sustainable products and manufacturing processes.
The morning sessions are open to everyone.
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Watch the full recording here: