Database & Technology adapting their "SimuGENS" software system to simulate dynamics of infections in large crowds
Database & Technology is one of DITECFER stakeholders. Its core business is the development of simulators (e.g. for training station masters; for training train drivers; for railway operations; etc.). One of their best performing systems since years - "SimuGENS" - is the "Dynamic study of crowds", that can simulate the behaviour of individuals in large groups up to tens of thousands of people, modelling constraints and other typical elements of the conditions of crowds in 3D space (signs, dangers, directions), importing the geometries directly from CAD and displaying the crowd dynamics in both two dimensions and 3D.
Since Database & Technology is located in Milan, Lombardy Region, home to the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy and still experiencing the highest numbers of people infected and deaths, they have thought that by adding some functionalities to their "SimuGENS" software system they could have been able to simulate also the dynamics of infections in large crowds, thus being able to help the decision-making process of those bodies in charge of defining mitigation measures for specific places. So the "SimuGENS Infections" simulator came out. The system doesn't replace the decision-making role of Law Enforcement operators or Healthcare providers, rather it does support their role thanks to quicker and optimised responses. The system, in fact, suits to "micro environments" such as hospitals, city squares, malls, etc.
Source: Veronica Elena Bocci, Coordinator DITECFER | District for Rail Technologies, High Speed, Network's Safety & Security Consortium